Makeup To Make You Look Younger
Would you like to look younger? A few, simple makeup techniques can take years off of your face. Let's explore how to apply your makeup now, and watch the years fade away!
No one can turn back the hands of time. The good news is, if you take good care of your skin and apply your makeup knowledgeably, you can make it look like you did! Let’s learn six makeup tricks that will make you look younger!
Hydrate Your Skin
Your face can be a work of art! Like a canvas for a masterpiece, it’s important that you take good care of it. Moisture is essential for your skin. Before you apply makeup, you must make sure that your skin is well-hydrated. Drink plenty of water to hydrate from the inside out. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a pricey cleanser to wash your face. If you splash water on your face every morning, without soap, you will rinse away impurities and invigorate your skin. Next, while your skin is still damp, smooth on a moisturizer with sunscreen. If you skip this step, your skin will try to absorb moisture from your foundation, and what’s left of it will either settle in your wrinkles or create (and accentuate) flaky, dry spots.

Cover Blemishes with Concealer
Many people make the mistake of using heavy foundations to try to hide redness and imperfections, but the result is often disastrous. After all, why is concealer called concealer? Because it’s the beauty aid that’s meant to cover your problem spots. . . not foundation! Apply concealer before foundation, but make sure you choose the right product. Concealers shouldn’t cake on your skin. Never use concealers with a wax bases because they are too heavy for your skin. Instead, look for a liquid concealer with a click-pen applicator.
Buy Foundations with Golden Yellow Undertones
Warm tones, such as yellow and gold, make you look younger because they neutralize redness and bring life to your skin. So, when you shop for foundation, look for golden tones no matter what color your skin is.
Apply Foundation with a Sponge
Once you have found the perfect foundation color for your skin, use it as sparingly as possible. That’s right! When it comes to foundation, less is more. If you put on too much, you will look unnatural and the excess product will just collect in your wrinkles. Yuck! Dampen a sponge wedge applicator with water, gently wring it out, then place a little dab of foundation on the back of your hand. Dip the tip of the sponge into the foundation and dab it on your face in upward strokes. Aim for sheer coverage of your entire face. Once you are satisfied with the application, you can use your fingers to blend any thick spots.
Prime Your Lids
You may have noticed a recurring theme when it comes to looking younger. Keep makeup out of your wrinkles! The same principle can be applied to your eye makeup too. Use a small amount of base (or primer) to your eyelids before you apply eyeshadow. The primer will keep your shadow in its proper place!

Frame Your Eyes
Just like everything else on the body, lashes start to head south when you get older. Thankfully, there’s an easy fix. Invest in an eyelash curler! If you really want to highlight your eyes, you can use a lengthening mascara too. Your eyebrows should also be given attention. If they are thinning or drooping, you can perk them with an eyebrow pencil. The color of the brow pencil should match your hair color as closely as possible. (The hair of your eyebrows, not the hair of your head!) Follow your brow’s natural shape and you will have a youthful-looking frame for your eyes!
If you can’t reverse time, you can at least make yourself look more youthful with some good makeup practices. Which of these handy makeup tips will you try first?