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Amazing 3 Ingredient Recipes

A lot of people think that cooking is difficult and time-consuming. Moreover, during preparing meals there is a huge mess in the kitchen. Really? We show that you don't need any special ingredients, a lot of time or even a cheffery to cook like a chef in a five-star restaurant. Just mix 3 ingredients and create an amazing dish!

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#1 Coca Cola Chicken


  • 1 can cola
  • 1/2 cup ketchup
  • 10 pieces of chicken (may be thighs, drumsticks or breasts)


Mix cola and ketchup. Cover chicken pieces with a mixture. Bake at 190 degrees for about an hour (breasts may need more time - add 15 minutes more). It can be served with fries or rice and vegetables.

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#2 Perfect meat in 10 minutes!


  • 1 kg pork (it can be loin or ham)
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • seasoning: salt, black pepper, sweet pepper (you can also add chili or other hot pepper if you like)


Rinse meat, dry it and rub with seasoning. Put meat into the pot, add mayonnaise and pour water - meat must be under the surface of the water. Cook until water starts boiling and then cook 5 more minutes. Turn off the burner and wait at least 5 hours. Then cook meat again - also only 5 minutes as earlier. Now, you can take out meat and cut it into slices - it's perfect for dinner, but you can also eat it on a sandwich.

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#3 Strawberry & Banana Smoothie


  • 1 banana
  • 10 frozen or fresh strawberries
  • 1/2 cup milk


Blend strawberries, bananas and milk until the mass is smooth. It's fast and easy!

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#4 Easy pancakes


  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups flour


Mix all ingredients together to make smooth batter. If you don't have nonstick pan, grease your pan with oil. Use about 1/3 cup of batter per pancake (use less if your prefer thinner pancakes). Fry pancakes for 1-2 minutes on each side - time depends on thickness of pancakes and the temperature of the pan.

You can serve your pancakes with maple syrup, fruits, dried fruits or nuts.

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#5 Chili salmon


  • 200 g salmon (about 100g per serving)
  • 1/2 cup chili sauce
  • 1/4 cup scallions


Chop scallions. Mix salmon with chili sauce and scallions. Put fish with marinade on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degress.

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#6 Baked apples


  • 2 big apples (use more if you want)
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons raisins (if you want you can use also nuts)


Cut out holes in apples for filling - scoop out the seeds. Stuff apples with honey and raisins or nuts. Additionally, you can add cinnamon if you want. Put the apples in a baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes in 190 degrees. Enjoy!

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#7 Vanilla milkshake


  • 2 cups vanilla ice cream
  • 1 cup milk (you can add more if you want thicker milkshake)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar


In order to prepare great vanilla milkshake just blend all ingredients together using blender. You can also use milkshake machine if you have it.

You can also use e.g. strawberry ice cream to get strawberry milkshake.

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#8 Gazpacho


  • 4 big tomatoes
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • seasoning: salt, black pepper, hot pepper


Blend tomatoes with garlic for a smooth cream. Add spices. If you like spicy food add more hot pepper. So simple and so delicious.

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#9 Mac and cheese


  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups pasta
  • 1 cup cheddar cheese


Cook pasta with milk until it is soft. Then add cheese. Stir until cheese is melted. If you want you can add ham or vegetables, but it's not necessary. Mac and cheese tastes great even with any extra ingredients.

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#10 Brownie


  • 1 cup Nutella
  • 2 eggs
  • 10 tablespoons flour


Mix precisely all ingredients. Set the baking tray with baking paper and pour the batter into your tray. Bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

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