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10 Things You Should Know About Vaccines

Vaccines have been making many headlines lately, all for very negative reasons. But here’s something that medical practitioners use, and have been using, for a very long time.
How dangerous could they really be? Find out the truth. Here are 10 things you should know about vaccines:

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#1 Vaccines Work By Infecting You First

Here’s how it works: you get exposed to something and your body creates special proteins called antibodies to fight that infection. That way the next time you’re exposed to that same bacteria, those antibodies will be there to immediately repel it.

Scientist create vaccines by disabling a virus or bacteria so that it’s not about to cause the disease in the body, but it can still prod your body into making antibodies to fight it.

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#2 Vaccines Can Cause Serious and Sometimes Fatal Side Effects

The risk is about one per million children, and it’s largely caused by rotavirus vaccinations, which can cause a type of bowel blockage that requires hospitalization in about 20,000 babies in America alone.

There are also other instances, like with diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and MMR vaccines. They can cause long-term seizures, coma, permanent brain damage, etc.

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#3 Because the Point Is To Expose The Body, Vaccines Contain Harmful Ingredients

Vaccines work by infecting the body first, so technically, they contain harmful ingredients. Also, thimerosal, an organic mercury compound found in trace amounts in one flu vaccine for children and other vaccines for adults, is linked to autism.

There’s also aluminum, formaldehyde, and glutaraldehyde, all of which cause things like central nervous system damage, convulsions, cardiac arrest and comas and death.

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#4 Ingredients In Vaccines Are In Safe Amounts

That being said, there is such a thing as a safe and unsafe amount for almost everything. In the case of things like thimerosal, formaldehyde and aluminum, they’re small doses. There’s more aluminum in breast milk and infant formula than in vaccines.

#5 Adverse Reactions to Vaccines Are Extremely Rare

Most common effects are allergic reactions, which occur one per several hundred thousand to one per million vaccinations. The issue is that 2017’s flu season was so bad that it caused more and more people to get vaccinated, bringing the number of adverse reactions, even fatal ones, up.

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#6 Some Vaccines Offer Lifelong Protection

Vaccines like the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) offer lifelong protection. Once you’re vaccinated, it’s done, there’s no risk of every getting these illnesses ever again. Other vaccines require boosters in teen and adult years, like diphtheria and tetanus.

#7 Some Vaccines Contain “Immoral” Ingredients

If you have a problem with having aborted fetus, chicken eggs, bovine casein, insect cells, Cocker Spaniel cells, pig gelatin, and cells from African Green monkeys injected into you for either religious or ethical reasons, then vaccines may not be for you.

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#8 Vaccines Have Eradicated Smallpox & Have Nearly Eradicated Polio

Due to vaccination, smallpox is no longer even a disease. No one is vaccinated for it anymore. And Polio is just about out the door. In the twentieth century, there were 16,316 deaths from Polio in America alone, but in 2012 there were none.

#9 Good Luck Suing, It’s Basically Impossible

If your child is harmed, or even killed, by a vaccine, you cannot sue the manufacturer of the vaccine, or the doctor. Neither. No fairness at all. You’re on your own for medical expenses and therapies.

What’s worse is that the government can legally use police powers to force every American to get vaccinated.

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#10 There’s Big Money In Vaccines

The Hep-B vaccine alone makes one billion dollars annually for Merck, and it’s not even something you need unless you’re a heavy IV drug user or prostitute. And because you can’t sue anyone, drug companies are putting their future profits into vaccines. Forget antibiotics, they’re “fighting” disease.

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