Category: Film

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Here are all the results with descriptions

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

You are Captain Jean-Luc Picard. You're a brave, courageous leader and an excellent diplomat. You're the man in charge, and you enjoy the responsibility and prestige that your position implies. People expect a lot from you, which is fine because you expect even more from them.

Deanna Troi

You're Deanna Troi, lieutenant commander of the Starship Enterprise. You're strong and capable, and a real, genuine empath--possibly even to the point of being telepathic. You're otherworldly, which has a lot to do with the fact that you're only half-human, after all!


You are Worf. Strong-minded and stubborn, you are a perfectionist at heart and take life (and everything in it) extremely seriously. You can be trusted with great responsibility and make a great assistant leader--you'd be a great leader someday if you can only learn to be a bit more personable.


You are Data. You're very bright, articulate and can come across as a bit of a know-it-all--you are an android, after all! As intelligent as your design is, you cannot pick up on the social cues or emotions that makes up over half of all language, so sometimes you just 'don't get it'. People find you endearing, however, because you seem genuinely interested in others for the opportunity to learn as much as you can from them.

Dr. Beverly Crusher

You are Dr. Beverly Crusher. You're highly intelligent, kind and compassionate, with a natural ability to heal and nurture. Despite your warmth and kindness, however, you also value your privacy and tend to be somewhat guarded about your personal affairs. You have high standards and morals and would never compromise your personal integrity for any reason.

Wesley Crusher

You're Wesley Crusher. You're extremely bright, and your logical and analytical side heavily marks your personality to the point of coming across as overly serious and somewhat unemotional. You are very independent, but your sense of curiosity that can get you into trouble and in need of the help of others!