Your prince has left royalty and nobility behind to take on a life of leisure, and maybe a little piracy, in the tropical breezes of the Caribbean. Right now, he's listening to the surf and dreaming of you.
Cozied Up by the Fire with a Good Book in a New England Mountain Cabin
And wouldn't you just love to snuggle up with him? Maybe you'll both melt the snow!
Riding the Range in Wyoming
He's a rugged, fast cowboy, and you're going to have to catch up with him! But won't it be worth it?
On a Hippie Bus in Arizona
He's hitting all of the music festivals, looking for you, but at just this very moment, he's wandering around Sedona, thinking about the meaning of the universe.
In His Family's Chateau in France, Strolling through the Gardens
He's just poured a glass of champagne under an arbor of roses and wishes he had someone to share it with. Hurry up and join him!
Looking Out over New York City from His Penthouse As He Gets Ready for Another Night on the Town
Several nights a week, he's out having fun, but he never finds anyone who fits him better than you would. That's okay, you'll find him soon enough!