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What Vocal Range Am I?
Question 1 out of 29

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What Vocal Range Am I?

The average vocal range is 3 and 1/2 octaves. That's 40 different notes that every human being is able to sing. However, where these notes fall on the vocal range scale is different for each singer. For example, Ariana Grande is a soprano. Harry Styles is a baritone.

Where does your voice type fall on the vocal range chart? Take this What Is My Vocal Range quiz now to determine what type of voice you have and which songs you can sing the best.

Whether you sing along better with male or female voices will help us determine your vocal range, but you'll also have to tell us which singers you sound like most. Lady Gaga? Freddie Mercury? Nat King Cole? Don't be humble. Tell us what you like to sing so we can give you an accurate voice range.

Contralto singers like Cher are in the rarest vocal range, but no worries if you can't hit those notes. There are still plenty of songs in your vocal range that you can sing proudly. You may fall in the mezzo-soprano range like Billie Eilish or go low with baritone and bass like Johnny Cash. Take our vocal range quiz now to find out which notes you can sing the best.



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