Each year thousands of young adults graduate high school not knowing what they want to do in life or what next steps they should take. Take the time to do the 'What should I study at university?' quiz to get an idea of what those next steps in life look like for you.
The university quiz you are about to take is going to change your life. The goal of this task is to assist you in finding a major or minor in your college education. You will be asked opinion, fact, and scenario-based questions regarding your options in college.
Simply taking the what to study test is not enough. You will need to take the time to reflect on what your answers mean. Compare your answers to your actual thoughts and feelings and see how they are similar or different. Choosing your path of study will affect the rest of your life. Take the time to choose wisely.
Everyone who gives the 'What should I study?' test a try gets clarity from taking the quiz. People walk away pleased, knowing that they are one step closer to finding out what major they should choose. Explore the possibilities and dream about your future!
If you are considering taking the university quiz, you more than likely have friends and associates on their way to college as well. Some of them are in the same boat as you, wondering what they should major in. Share this quiz with them and do them a favor. Help your friends to jump-start their life.