How do you spend your time?
What are your strengths and weaknesses? We're all good at something, but master skills and talent are always humbled by our greatest weaknesses. You may have a weakness for sugary candy and bad TV while someone else can't resist asking too many questions or spending money on another new phone.
Don't be ashamed of your greatest weakness. It's important to stay humble, and identifying strengths and weaknesses is one way to know where you stand with yourself and your friends and family. Weaknesses aren't meant to be a loss, but they can inspire you to look at yourself in a new way.
How can you identify your weaknesses? By being honest with yourself, of course! Answer a few questions about where you think your weaknesses lie and what strengths and superpowers you would choose if given the chance, and we'll help you figure out what your weaknesses may be. Weaknesses can manifest in so many different ways, and you may not recognize them right away.
A new perspective on your strengths and weaknesses can be just what you need to take that next step forward. Positive changes can come from anywhere, and everybody wins when you look at yourself in a new light. Take this What Are My Weaknesses Quiz now to discover your weaknesses, and you might just learn something new about yourself along the way.
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