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Here are all the results with descriptions

Total Anger Management

You are cool as a cucumber and completely unflappable. Nothing can cause you to lose your temper. It's almost inhuman how levelheaded and calm you are able to remain no matter the circumstances. You are always composed, tranquil, and serene.

Excellent Anger Management

You always know what you're feeling every second of every day and you have excellent control over it. If you lose your temper it's because you want to and feel the situation calls for it. Nothing could ever cause you to get angry without you letting it! You're like a steel trap when it comes to those emotions.

Pretty Good Anger Management

It has to be something really big for you to lose your cool. You can ignore stupid people, careless remarks and insulting comments without batting an eye; but something big, something important and you'll be seeing red. You seldom get mad on your own behalf, but you're fiercely loyal to your friends and if someone crosses them, you will lose your temper.

Fair Anger Management

Sometimes you just lose your temper like everyone else in the world. You will always have ups and downs but you know that's part of life. You understand that losing your temper isn't always a big deal. We all get angry sometimes and you know that it can be healthy to give voice to your feelings.

Poor Anger Management

Keeping calm can be a struggle. You can overlook petty annoyances but it's hard for you not to snap when someone is hurtful or cruel. Because of this you are always quick to standup for someone in need or who is being bullied. You're a fighter who's not afraid to come out swinging.

No Anger Management

You own your emotions: if you feel something you want the rest of the world to know it, whether it's joy, grief, pain, or anger. You don't believe in hiding your feelings or pretending that something hasn't made you mad. If someone has angered you, you are darn well going to let them know it!

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