Category: Sport    Tags: #Lifestyle #Hobby #Sport #Emotion

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Here are all the results with descriptions

BASE Jumping

This sport gets its name from the objects its participants jump off of: buildings, antennaes, spans (like bridges or power lines) and earth (cliffs). They wear parachutes or 'wing suits' to do so but be forewarned. They don't always work.


The sport of parkour evolved from military training on obstacle courses. It's usually practised in urban settings, by people who try to get from point A to point B as fast as they can, whether this means running up the sides of buildings, jumping from roof to roof, rolling down steep inclines, and so on. Fellow 'pedestrians' are unlikely to take kindly to you.

Ice Climbing

If sheer-face rock-climbing isn't dangerous enough for you, try this extreme sport, which adds in freezing temperatures, frostbite, and slippery surfaces.


If you would enjoy soaring a few thousand meters above the earth with absolutely no protection and little control over how far you travel or where exactly you'll end up landing, then this is the sport for you!

Sand Kiting

Sand kiting requires you to ride at top speed across a sandy surface, such as a desert or a beach, in a small dune buggy, pulled along by the force of the wind. If you think the sand will provide a nice soft landing when you flip over, you're in for a bit of a surprise.

Extreme Knitting

Why don't you just sit quietly and knit something really, really big, like a blanket? That'll probably fill at least a couple of afternoons and you can listen to some nice soft music while you work. Here, let me go get your medication while you begin.

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