The traffic light turns yellow as you approach. What do you do?
When the going gets tough, do you get cynical? Or do you try to see light in a dark situation? No matter how you look at it, knowing HOW you're going to look at it is pretty insightful when it comes to understanding your personality better.
Answer a few questions about your point of view and how you like to approach life to find out what kind of optimist vs. pessimist vs. realist personality you have. Everyone's perspective is unique, and yours is influenced by the experiences you've had and the people you've known in your life.
Past experiences can play a big part in your future, and they will influence your answers and the results of this optimist or pessimist quiz. Answer the questions as honestly as your memory serves, and remember to have fun!
You are in charge of your life and the way you approach it, and these results will give you a closer look at the way your personality works. Whether you prepare for the worst, seek the silver lining, or roll with the punches, knowing which way your personality points can be the insight you need to make that next big decision.
So - are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?
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